Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Day 22 -- Woohoo I can wear makeup!!

 My face is still peeling, and there are spots that are still rough and need to shed, but overall I feel like I'm done. No raw skin!

I love makeup and although I don't wear it all the time, when you can't wear it, it suddenly becomes even more desirable. So today I spent almost two hours playing with my hair and makeup. Fun!

A very nice Christmas present -- healthier skin!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Day 21

Day 21
The last few days my face has been peeling like crazy! But the skin below is healing really well, and today I applied regular moisturizing cream without a wince.

The Band-Aid on my forehead is covering the only place that is still a scab, and I keep that covered with Aquafor as well.

Overall, I'm feeling very relieved today! My new skin is very soft, and the tiny wrinkles that were developing around my mouth are now much softer.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Day 20

Day 20 -- with Aquafor already applied
I wiped off a ton of dead skin in the shower today...whew! Getting there day by day. Slower than I would wish for, of course, but getting there!

There is a spot on my forehead just above my right eyebrow that continues to scab and bleed, which makes me think its a spot that really needed to come off. So again, I'm thankful for this treatment. 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Day 17

Day 17 -- looking good!
Today I feel like my body has almost completely recovered from having those strong chemicals in it. I feel much less anxious, and I slept really deeply last night.

My skin continues to flake, itch, and it still hurts right after I wash it until I get Aquafor on it. But it's healing nicely!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Day 16

Day 16 -- two days after I stopped applying Efudex
Today the inflammation decreased a bit. You can't really tell by the photo because I took it after my shower, but it's the first thing I noticed when I looked in the mirror this morning. Yay! I am still a bit swollen, more so on the left side of my face.

The dead skin is starting to flake off now. I was up late last night because even though I had plenty of Aquafor on,  just when I was about to nod off, I would get an itchy spot on my face that I just had to scratch.  

I have been taking 2000mg of vitamin C with each meal to help with the healing process, as well as eating berries and green smoothies. I pulled my dusty rebounder out of the garage and have been using it for 15-20 minutes daily to help support my lymphatic system, which helps with detoxing the body.

I've applied Traumeel and Aquafor after washing my face for the past two days. The Traumeel has calendula in it, which is good for burns.  I discovered that the gel form stings less than the cream form. The Aquafor is a must. It really helps with relaxing the skin, as it tightens up so much after I wash it that I can barely open my mouth to eat! I don't have any aloe around, otherwise I'd be using that, too.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Day 14...finally.

Day 14 -- and I'm so relieved.
In other Efudex blogs I've read where the person had to apply Efudex for longer than me, Day 15 was the most painful. Well I have so much compassion for those folks because Day 14 really sucks.

My face feels like one big, tight scab. I feel like if I were to smile, my cheeks would crack open. Putting Efudex on this morning was not fun...lots of stinging...and I observed myself taking my time with breakfast and a shower, putting off the inevitable task of applying Efudex for as long as possible.

But I got that part over with, so I'm on to the rest of my beautiful New Mexican Saturday, getting ever closer to the day there will be no indication on my face that I ever applied Efudex! I have one more application tonight, and that's the end of it.

Yesterday a fellow classmate reminded me how great it is that I can have this treatment as a preventive measure. And it's true! It's a short bout of discomfort that will pay off in the future.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Thirteen days down, one more to go...

Day 13...and I thought my face couldn't get any redder!
Here we are at day 13! One more day of application, then I'm going to start applying the homeopathic cream Traumeel to help with healing. I don't anticipate looking better next week because even though I stop applying Efudex, it continues to work it's magic for another week. 

If you are brave, click on the picture to make it bigger, you get a better idea of the scabs and skin flaking that way. 

I am still able to use that face wash by Boots, so I wash my face morning and evening before applying Efudex. And I'm taking Aspirin.

Last night I was watching Invasion of the Body Snatchers, 1978 version, and I had an itch on my chin so I scratched it. Next time I went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror, there was a big blob of dried blood where I scratched my chin, because I had unwittingly scratched a scab off. I didn't even feel it. Once again, I'm so grateful I can be home while I undergo this!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

11 Days on Efudex

Day 11 witih Efudex applications
Aye! I am so ready for this to be over. I thought there wouldn't  be much difference of experience between yesterday and today, but today I woke up with new developments -- a puffy face and more redness.

I'm noticing on the picture that my forehead looks less red than the rest of my face, and I'm wondering if this is because I wore bangs for most of my life, thereby offering some protection.

Last night I noticed I do not want to use a "gentle cream soap" on my face any more, it stings.  I read on other blogs that moisturizing cream stung upon application, and I'm here to say that so does cream soap! I'm using Boots Botanics Cleansing Foam Wash and it doesn't sting as much.

I have been going to an acupuncturist to help boost my immune system, and even though you can't see it on my face, I really feel better physically and emotionally after my treatment yesterday. This is a good time to really take care of yourself.

But man I can't wait for this to be over.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Day 10

Day 10

The past two nights I've had a restless sleep, and the information that came with Efudex said that using it could cause insomnia. As if I needed yet another factor that takes a toll on my appearance and good nature! I am so glad I can stay home while I'm doing this.

I feel a bit more nausea today, another documented side effect. I took an Aspirin this morning because my stinging face, although not unbearable, is a bit distracting.

A helpful thing to do when I look at all these blemishes coming up is to remember that they were hidden and will be going away soon, and ideally they won't be there to possibly pop up one day as cancer. When I think of that, I feel very fortunate. And it helps knowing this is temporary. Just four more days...

Last night I pulled an animal card from my Power Animal Oracle Cards deck (electronic version), and I pulled the Swan randomly. Guess what it represents? Finding the beauty inside ourselves and in Mother Nature. Efudex has shown me how attached I am to my outside appearance (I know...SHALLOW!), and this experience has gently pushed me to ask more about what's on the inside, the other hidden parts of Adrienne. 

Monday, December 8, 2014

Efudex Days 1-9

I started this record of my Efudex experience several days ago as a personal diary, but thought it may help others get through their Efudex ordeal so I decided to do a blog.

December 3, 2014 –
Day 4
Today is day 4 of applying Efudex 2x daily. About a month ago my dermatologist prescribed a 14-day round of Efudex to take care of recurring pre-cancer spots on my forehead and both cheeks. When I got online and saw how people looked while using it, I decided to delay the start day because I had a couple of public assignments for class.

For the record, I use sunscreen religiously on my face, at least SPF 45, and have been doing that for the past 20 years. Prior to that, while growing up in Hawaii, I was using SPF 4 or 8 because I was always after that lovely tan.  And sometimes I just used straight tanning oil, no sun protection. I suspect that because I’m so fair-skinned to start with, and that I grew up in Hawaii, and that now I live at 5,000 feet where the UVA and UVB rays are stronger, all these things have contributed to my needing this treatment. Plus, I inherited my dad’s skin, as he went through this treatment in his 40s.

Days 1-3 I did not notice much change.

Today, I’m noticing for the first time that it stings a bit when I put Efudex on my face, and I am noticing some spots appearing, especially on my forehead.  Last night I was reading a chat site by people doing Efudex that was started in 2011. It was comforting reading what others are experiencing, and the overwhelming message is hang in there!

I am applying it 2x/day for 14 days, a short round compared to many others who do this for 21 days or even a month or longer. I’ve read that in the longer rounds, day 15 is when it really starts getting painful. I hope that even though my round is shorter per se, it’s the right amount and that I won’t ever have to do this again.

I’m stocked up on Aquafor, the suggested treatment to use when my skin starts to really feel dry tight.

From what I’ve read from others, the two weeks of application will be followed by a week or two of scabs, blistering, depression. The depression happens not just because I will look pretty rough and I'll be bummed about that, but it is also a documented side effect of wreaking havoc on our central nervous systems. It is chemotherapy after all, so I am anticipating not feeling great. So I’m also drinking green shakes, and hot lemon water to help my liver do its job. I’ve already cut waaaaaaaaay back on sugar intake for other health reasons.  I’m thinking that’s gotta help.

I saw a couple of suggestions by Efudexers to use Traumeel once I stop using Efudex, which is a homeopathic cream that helps with pain and healing time. One was actually a pharmacist who used Efudex. I think I may check that out.

Also, I'm eating mostly kitchari, and Ayurvedic dish that helps with detox and is really easy on digestion so the body can use more energy to heal itself. 

Day 8 

Day 8
The spots are very visible today.  As another Efudex blogger observed with her experience, there are no spots appearing on my nose and I find this surprising. Today for the first time I am dreading putting more Efudex on because my skin is very dry and lately the Efudex has stung. The skin near my scalp is the most sensitive now. I just washed my face and it feels tight, especially around my cheeks and forehead. Yesterday I went to a nearby store and it was the last time I will be out in public if I can help it…I felt a great self-consciousness and was noticing people staring. Efudex is hard on your central nervous system, which means irritability and possibly depression. I found I became irritable quickly at the store yesterday, which I took as a sign to just stay home. I’m going to take it easy while I can. I am a full time student so this is a good time in my life to do this.

Life goes on...I got engrossed watching the Downton Abbey marathon on PBS today, cleaned my kitchen, rearranged furniture in my living room. All is good, I just don’t want to leave the house right now!

I will be done in 6 days. I can’t believe some people put this on for a month or longer. Whew.You guys are rock stars.

Day 9
Day 9
Today was the first day I looked in the mirror and went “Whoa!” The inflammation really kicked in around my cheeks. I tried to smile more for this picture but it hurt around my mouth to do so.

There is a constant low-grade burn feeling around my smile lines and upper lip, not painful but noticeable.
 This week I have to make a public appearance. It’s my last day of one of my college classes (thankfully the other is an online class). I am toying with the idea of applying makeup, even though they advise not to. Another Efudexer did it once; it hurt to wear the makeup but she felt more comfortable in public.

New things keep popping up on my face; this morning it was a scab or some other growth right above my mouth.  I just keep thinking all the stuff that is grossing me out right now will be gone for good in a couple of weeks; it’s been hiding under the surface of my skin all this time! 

One Efudexer said he avoided putting it near his mouth, but I have had spots removed from the area where my lip meets my mouth so I'm applying cream there. 

Being me, I can’t help but acknowledge a deeper meaning here, letting the ugly things come to the surface so they can be acknowledged, healed and released.